I was a little disappointed about what was up here. Mud, rain, clouds & not much else. It's basically a truck stop. The food was excellent though. The Inn was $199.00 for basically a trailer. OH WELL. After a few minutes of being there, I was glad I went there.
I'm 60 miles into the Arctic Circle & the ride was bad because of the rain creating treacherous muddy conditions.
WOOHOO! I'm pretty clean, considering all the mud that was on me 50 miles earlier. There was an asphalt section of road about 8 to 10 miles before the Circle & it was pouring rain. No need to take a shower...
Back to Wisconsin. This is LLcoolK & I @ the bar.
More excellent food & some Milwaukee's great brew.
Here is Kurt riding down some Main St. in downtown Milwaukee.
LLcoolK (the K is for Kurt) lookin' good on his V-rod he has named BettyBoop. He is a V-rod Forum member I've corresponded with quite a bit. He met me outside the Harley museum.
I called a forum member in Beverly Hills, CA that I was sure had LLcoolK's phone # & we met to have some vittles & a brew.
The V-rod as a concept, in clay.
I thought another picture of me would be good to make others feel better about their appearance. This bike, by the way, is a model of the first motorcycle I had when I was 15 years old, the Sprint 350. My model year was 1970.
A Harley Sprint. I believe this was one of the 1st Sprint models.
I like the looks of these old bikes. I'm still convinced that if they remade these with contemporary technology, they would be a hit.
It's Evel Ka-hanzo...
My bike in the parking lot.
The Harley-Davidson museum in Milwaukee.
This fine young fellow gave me a brief history of the Milwaukee area. He informed me that he was not disabled but this buggy was a convenient form of transport around the city. The wonderful building in the background is an art center.
I was very impressed with the landscapes of Milwaukee.
A lot of contrasting architecture.
As I entered The downtown area of Milwaukee.
I don't know who this fellow is , but I want that hat.
All the way down from the top of Lake Michigan into Wisconsin I noticed a silo envy thing going on. This farm has 7 silos with a couple of big ones.
Only one & a half silos.
I pulled the bike into a field & tried to get artsy...
One of my ole girlfriends...
I didn't realize that this National Park existed. It was funny to me that as soon as I passed the Mackinaw bridge, that houses seemed to disappear. Then I came across this sign. Most of the tip of Lake Michigan is national forest. It's also some of the windiest riding I've done.
Here we are in Wisconsin. I'm curious...
That picture cracks me up with you and LLCOOLK at the bar !!!!